Bespoke projects that you don’t have the time, resources or skill set to complete. You just want to GET IT BLOODY DONE!
If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find us (well you have), maybe you can hire buildDifferent (yes, yes you can by the way).
We find that the projects we work on that deliver the best results are:
We find that working with you on a project is the best way for you to ‘feel us out’ (not in a Mr.Tickle kinda way) and discover that we’re a great fit for your organisation. It allows us to prove (over a very short period of time) that we always deliver and get the results you need.




And above all, Different From The Competition - when they zig, we zag.

Varies depending on levels of complexity and time frame.

Is this for you?
We can all find ourselves in a pinch with our workload, regardless of team size, structure, talent or industry. Sometimes bringing in the heavies is necessary to get the job done in a timely manner.

Ideal for
All shapes and sizes where you need outside expertise to solve that marketing problem. Come on in, the water is bloody lovely.
Benefits of Marketing Projects

Test The Waters (it’s warm, come on in)
Why trust us? We don’t want you to. We want you to see for yourselves what we can do and we find that working with us on a project basis is a great way for us to prove we are who we say we are, we can do what we say we’ll do and we can deliver the results you’re telling us you want...
...Projects are the first date in a long string of dates, a marriage proposal, a wedding, 2 kids, a new house, and a lot of laughs, before the slow release of death…. Cause nothing lasts forever.
Still can be fun though :)
Focus on the Good Stuff
Any marketing is good, RIGHT? Well, not much, as the marketing discipline covers such a broad range of skills and ever-changing software, that no one (wo)man can possibly know it all, nor indeed be skilled enough to do it all...
...This is where many fall foul - entitled ‘Marketer’, they are expected to know and understand, not only what people ‘think’ marketing is (advertising and social media) but also the disciplines that make it the bloodline of an organisation (pricing, product, distribution, research, analysis and so on)...
Working on a project-by-project basis, (although more expensive than a monthly fee) means that you have the flexibility you need at this moment in time due to tight budgets. This flexibility also comes in handy when staff changes occur or unforeseen or unplanned projects are suddenly sprung upon you.
Straight Talking
No waffle or bullshit, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. We’re not religious, but if you'd like us to swear on a copy of any of these marketing books we can: The 9 Marketing Books that will shape your future.
Build a Happy Team
Happy team for the win. Overworked, underresourced, misaligned teams don’t stick around for long. Utilising an external agency to help with these three pain points means people generally stick around longer and care more, which shows in their work...
...This is the preamble to an important benefit - bringing in the experts to cater to a specific need you just can’t cover nor have the skills to implement, while your internal team do what they do best by focusing on their own area of expertise. We’re not here to take anyone's job, we’re here to enhance those roles and make you look good in the eyes of your clients, prospects and the board!
...Overworked = Give them work/life balance and an outlet that can support them during busy periods...
...Under Resourced = Not being able to see the wood for the trees is a horrible feeling and we really like seeing trees - What is your fave? Ours is Oak...
...Misaligned = When you’re doing work you know is not within your skill set it shows in your attitude towards it and the end result (poor end result). Realignment with a focus on what someone is good at and actually wants to do, with external support plugging the gaps can be the difference between someone staying and someone going.


Not quite what you were looking for?
We've got your back, offering a Marketing Campaign (Planning and Activation) service when your business needs continuous support on those critical campaigns. Walk this way (or click this way), whichever works for you.
Need a Marketing Campaign (Planning and Activation) instead?




Marketing Strategy: This is the bigger picture. How you will achieve your goals and targets. Checkout the FAQ section on our Strategy services page for a more detailed view of the differences between strategy and planning.
Think segmentation, targeting, positioning and a statement of intent.
Marketing Plan: These are the tactics, a guide to delivering the strategy. Actionable tasks that need to be ‘planned’ out in order to deliver.
Think LEGO®️ instruction manual.
Marketing Campaign: These are parts of a plan that focus on a particular element or reaching a specific goal. A campaign could also be a one-off piece of work that aligns with an organisation's main goal, mission or vision, or a bespoke piece of work.
Think Liverpool playing in the Premier League but also having a long run (campaign) in the European Cup (Champions League if you’re under 37).
Marketing Project: Can be part of a plan, campaign or stand-alone. Usually time sensitive and shorter-lived than a campaign (which may be ongoing).
Think redecorating your house (or if you’re flash and over 37, getting someone to redecorate your house).
Anywhooooo, the stages of a marketing project can vary depending on what that project is but as a rule of thumb and for completeness, you should cover*:
Brief Background and Rationale
Goal / Objective
Target Market
Products / Services
Positioning and Pricing
Customer Journey
Budget and Resources
If the project is a set of creatives, or something that is a standalone or part of a larger campaign, the above could be overkill and an objective, target market, simple timeline of events, budget and a deadline may do.
*Note: We use various project planning methods depending on the size of the project. We look to implement elements of the builD Process (our Marketing Strategy / Planning Tool) as much as possible.
Projects FAQs