SOSTAC® Marketing Planning Tool
Before we get into why you should become a certified planner of what the CIM (Chartered Institute of Marketing) rated as one of the best MARKETING, NO, BUSINESS Models in history, let’s break down what SOSTAC® is and why, (just like a ham sandwich) it is so simplistically brilliant!
We don’t want to ramble on for too long about each individual component as there is plenty of information out there for you to enjoy and many others can write about SOSTAC® in a more eloquent manner than us!
Our take on it is that it’s just so ruddy, bloody brilliant as a model. Not one that is neither use nor ornament like you see on catwalks, but one that can be used to create action and analysis and make you a better marketer in general.
Personally, we always recommend the following two sites to give you all you could ever need to get you up to speed before diving right into your accreditation:
SOSTAC® Planning - Let PR Smith talk you through his very own model.
There is a brilliant book called The SOSTAC® Guide to Writing your Perfect Digital Marketing Plan by PR Smith that is definitely worth a read (it looks very, very similar to the one featured on this webpage)!
The big WHY become a SOSTAC® Associate / Certified Planner?
Most marketers worth an ounce of bacon will have been using SOSTAC® (created by PR Smith) as the backbone of their Marketing Planning and Strategies.
If you learn, understand and start to use this framework, not only for Marketing purposes (it’s been used to plan weddings believe it or not) but for everything that requires a structured, systematic approach to reach specific goals you will start to see that these goals are more manageable and easier to reach.
If this wasn't enough, check out some of the other reasons to start learning SOSTAC®:
Learn how to build a professional plan.
See how it all fits together.
Excellent starter course.
Get an Associate Certificate.
Great for CV submissions.
Use SOSTAC® correctly in CIM assignments.
Access to SOSTAC® Certified Professionals.
Some random inspirational quotes
Situation Analysis: The where are you now bit?
Objectives: What do you want to achieve and be specific.
Strategy: The all-encompassing focus and vision for how you will achieve these objectives.
Tactics: The specific elements of the strategy.
Actions: What is required to fulfil these tactics?
Control: Measurement and control.