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Writer's picturePeter Sumpton

To Learn or… to Learn, that is the Question?

Updated: Jun 23, 2023

A line of Chartered Institute of Marketing Graduates

Qualifications aren’t for everyone. I’m not going to lie and say it is as that just isn’t true. Some people are doers, some are learners and some can do both (don’t you just hate that).

But how do you know if a professional qualification is for you? And more importantly, is a Marketing Qualification for you? Here are my top 7 tips for doing just that:

1. What are you looking to achieve?

Are you looking to enter the marketing industry or are you coming from higher education and have the learning bug? Be honest with yourself and write down why you want the qualification you are looking to study for. If you have a purpose, a divinities goal, then achieving that becomes real and provides you a focus.

2. Don’t let time put you off

There is always room to make more time in a day, it’s all about organisation and prioritisation. Even if you think you haven’t, talk to us and we’ll see how we and help you learn when you want and how you want to fit around your busy day.

3. Do it for yourself

It’s time to be selfish and make sure your qualification will mean something to you. Don’t do it for anyone else.

4. Do you want to learn more about a certain subject (and what is better than marketing)?

Studying is a great way to learn something new or develop your knowledge in a particular area

5. How do you like to learn

Some people like learning by doing and others like learning by studying. If the latter is you then a qualification is probably the best route to achieve your end learning goal.

6. Do you have patience?

It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Take the time to study and learn your craft. Even if this is learning by doing rather than studying, everyone has to start somewhere and doing something properly rather than half-hearted always pays dividends.

7. Learn from your mistakes and get better at what you do.

Don’t let failure put you off!


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